"What happens when I die?"
COVID-19 DISPATCH ☣️ TOKYO, JAPAN ☣️ 2020-03-31 21:28

I finally read my twitter feed to the end after work, and ... whatever. DOTARDUS said a bunch of dumb shit, and further debased the office of the US President — that's routine at this point.
But 👦🏻1.0, whose schools-are-closed epic YouTube binge-watching has become the main topic of the low-quality end-of-day conversations while dishwashing and laundering between me and 👩🏻, became a concern.
He had a fever, since yesterday, so in the current pandemic that is an automatic concern, but he didn't seem particularly ill.
Today, I remembered him asking it yesterday:
"What happens when I die?"
I was doing the dishes at the time, all the big pots and pans that do not fit into our Japanese dishwasher (it is the Tyrion Lannister of dishwashers).
"Uhhm..." I flipped to Chapter VII of the Parental Manual of Stalling for Time. "What happens when you die?"
"Yeah," he said. "What happens when I die in Minecraft?" And he gave a little grin and moved onto something else.
But then he said it again, today: "What happens when I die?"
"Well, son, you cease to exist as soon as your brain activity flatlines, your consciousness ends, all your memories are gone, and you don't exist anymore other than as a corpse made of dead flesh that is already starting to decay — and then we either burn your body to ashes or else put it in the ground where bugs and worms and bacteria slowly eat it as it rots," I didn't say.
But I also didn't have an awesome answer.
The younger 👦🏻👶🏻 know about the coronavirus — but not really. They know they are washing their hands to protect against it and they know everybody is concerned about it.
But 👦🏻1.0 knows that thousands of people have died from it in 🇮🇹 and 🇪🇸 and now 🇺🇸.
So now he's wondering what dying means.
I think he realizes that there is no respawn in real life.
So probably I had better study on it a little, and figure out what he's ready to hear.
As an interim solution I told him to get off YouTube and come build an underground bunker in Minecraft so that we could run some simulations and die a bunch of times.

KEYWORDS: coronavirus, COVID-19, the Grim Reaper, I was never a big fan of the email lady but if she was President lots of people who have died in the past few weeks wouldn't have